Luna De Jong

New York, United States

Luna De Jong

This is an example profile, designed to show how vPatina can easily help artists create gorgeous websites, rich profiles and keep your work with you wherever you are.

If your viewing this profile on a mobile, try bookmarking it to your home screen so you can get a sense of how it works as a mobile app.

Try clicking on artworks so they go full screen on your mobile and then pinching and zooming with your fingers to explore details. As your browse exhibitions notice that these can all be tagged with locations and times (try clicking on the map icons on different exhibitions and see where they take you).

If you want to try our tools go to and get started. If you want to talk to use please e-mail us at [email protected] or call us on 0630126934 - we would be happy to help.

All of the images on this profile are courtesy of and with thanks to the photographers at DTS.